One of the perks of being on the Peak Bag organizing committee is that we get to sort thru the submitted photos, select the ones that tickle our fancy, and bequeath "awards" as we see fit.  There is no rhyme or reason to this and certainly no underlying merit, but we think Omondi would have enjoyed it.  So with no further ado, the 2023 Peak Bag Awards: 

Floating Beats Hiking Award

No Snow This Year Award

Yosemite Sam Award

Walt Disney Award 

Where's the Moss Beach Distillery Award

What's She Pointing At Award

Get that Man a Selfie Stick Award

Doesn't Need a Selfie Stick Award

Sound of Music Award

Brian Siamese Twins Award

Dartmouth Couple Award

Fall Perfection Award

Cute Couple Award

Where's the Himalayas Award

Junior Febbo Award

Receding on Baldy Award

Biggest PB Team Award

Artistic "88" Award

Next Generation Award

Frank Lloyd Wright Award

California Chic Award

Identify Your Kids Award

Salvador Dali Award

Taller Highlands Award

All You Need is Love Award

Remembering Sam Award

Rowing Legacy Award

Boston Strong Award

Walk for Sam Award

Dog's Best Friend Award

Canoe Hit and Run Award

Rocking Dartmouth Women Award

Elegant Couple Award

Strangest Sport Award

Latest Fashion Award

Scottish Shortbread Award

Jerry West Logo Award

Copious Dartmouth Gear Award

Bloom County Hottentots Award

Men At Work Award

Pre First-Tracks Award 

Singapoe Sling Award

Brazilian Connection Award

Wine Tasting, Really??? Award

Coolest Rower Ever Award
